The equations numbers refer to the work of Ahmadi [3].
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "vecalg.h" #include "rfg.h" #ifndef SMALL #define SMALL 1.e-30 #endif int ne = 1; /* Number of terms in the series Eq.(15) */ REAL *Omega, /* Eq.15 */ *U1,*U2, /* velocity vectors (Eqs.15-17) */ *K; /* wave vectors (Eqs.15-17) */ void Allocate(REAL **A, int n) { if ((*A = (REAL *) malloc(sizeof(**A)*n)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"CAN'T ALLOCATE MEMORY\n"); exit(1); } } void genspec_ ( int *Ne, REAL *TURB_TIME, REAL *TURB_LENGTH ) /* Generate spectral expansion coefficients */ { extern REAL gauss_(); /* get a Gaussian random variable */ extern void gaussn_(REAL *, REAL, int); /* get an array of Gaussian random numbers */ int ie; REAL fe,turb_time=*TURB_TIME; ne=*Ne; if (ne<=0) return; fe=sqrt(2./(REAL)ne); Allocate(&Omega,ne); Allocate(&K ,ne*DIM); Allocate(&U1,ne*DIM); Allocate(&U2,ne*DIM); seed_(); /* initialize the random generator */ gaussn_(K,.5,ne*DIM); for (ie=0; ie<ne; ie++) { int i,j=ie*DIM; REAL a,V1[DIM],V2[DIM], /* random vectors xi and zeta (Eq.16) */ *u1=U1+j,*u2=U2+j,*k=K+j; Omega[ie] = gauss_()/turb_time; gaussn_(V1, fe, DIM); gaussn_(V2, fe, DIM); VECP(u1,V1,k); /* Eq.16 */ VECP(u2,V2,k); for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)k[i]/=TURB_LENGTH[i]; } } void delspec_() { free(Omega); free(K); free(U1); free(U2); } void genvec_ ( // INPUT: REAL *t, // time REAL *x, // coordinates // OUTPUT: REAL *v // velocities ) { int i,ie; REAL a,c,s; for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) v[i]=0.0; if (ne<=0) return; for (ie=0; ie<ne; ie++) { int n=ie*DIM; REAL *k=K+n; a=SCLP(k,x)+Omega[ie]**t; c=cos(a); s=sin(a); for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) v[i]+=U1[n+i]*c+U2[n+i]*s; } }