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The source files should be unpacked into an empty directory with a command:

tar xvzf rfg1.tgz

or on any Unix machine a more general command would be:

gunzip rfg1.tgz -c | tar xvf -

Since RFG routines are supposed to be integrated into other programs, and example main program was written in Fortran, containing a simple test of the RFG routine. The program file is $rfgtest.f$. To compile this file together with other files source files into an executable one should issue the $make$ command, like this:


This will create the executable $rfgtest$. The purpose of the test is to run a $genspec$ function at the beginning and run the $genvec$ function repeatedly to generate random vector field. To test the executable issue the command:


This will produce a long output of numbers. The first 10 lines may look like this:

  0.  0. -1.04623053  0.315150145  0.318838617
  0.  1.  0.675930783 -0.0619834219 -0.0272438827
  0.  2.  1.27071291 -1.18061539 -0.18484001
  0.  3.  0.947634502 -2.32104215  0.074804578
  0.  4.  0.775465738 -2.30559589  0.522083564
  0.  5.  0.575862596 -0.912436065  0.766931245
  0.  6. -0.175024857  0.511847868  0.686787079
  0.  7. -0.974941132  0.781299244  0.500546874
  0.  8. -1.42777037  0.492852612  0.556896856
  0.  9. -1.98023326  0.698884086  1.05550196

The $rfgtest.f$ file contains further instructions on how to view the results using the $gnuplot$ plotting program.
