Mesh generation, which discretizes computation geometries into small elements, is an important preprocessing part for numerical methods such as finite volume methods and finite volume methods. Computational domains are represented in meshless numerical methods by nodes, or in mesh-based methods by elements connected by nodes. Good nodal distribution is essential for the convergence of numerical methods. In our study a new approach based on Monte Carlo simulation is proposed for node distribution.
Monte Carlo (MC) methods are stochastic techniques, which use random numbers and probability statistics to solve problems. MC methods are widely used in various fields. MC methods are capable of investigate complex systems such as large energy systems, which consist of hundreds or thousands of atoms.
In the proposed mesh generation method surface or volume domains to be discretized are treated as atomic systems, and mesh nodes are considered as interacting particles. Particles are inserted/removed into/from the system, as well as displaced, using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo method. With energy minimization by the Monte Carlo simulation, a good number of particles, i.e. nodes, are distributed with desired separation from each other. The nodal separation is controlled by a predefined node spacing function. For mesh-based numerical methods, well-shaped triangular mesh elements can then be generated by connecting the nodes with constrained Delaunay methods.
The GCMC method is conceptually simple and has a straightforward implementation. The resulting algorithm algorithm has the following advantages:
Several algorithms are implemented: Monte Carlo (MC), Grand Canonical MC, Molecular Dynamics (MD), Molecular Dynamics - Monte Carlo (MDMC), and Molecular Dynamics - Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (MDGCMC).
The distict characteristics of the algorithms are:
As can be seen from demo examples below, MD method is quite impractical for node placement. MC method leads to a more accurate and uniform node placement, compared to MDMC. However the latter is much faster. Likewise, MDGCMC method is fater than GCMC, but can lead to void regions. The optimum strategy can be running the MDGCMC algorithm at the beginning and GCMC in the final stages.
In the demo examples the Lennart Jones potential is used to control the dynamics of the particles.
Java-applets with the demonstration of the method can be run for Line, Square Cube, and Sphere.
Here are the the source codes of the demo examples, which are also available as a tar-gzipped file.
Journal Article. AUTHOR={Smirnov, A.V. and Zhang, H.}, TITLE={Physically-Based Node Distributions for Mesh Generation}, JOURNAL={International Journal of Modelling and Simulation}, NUMBER={205-4582}, VOLUME=28, PUBLISHER={ACTA Press / IASTED}, YEAR=2008,
AUTHOR={Zhang, H. and Smirnov, A.}, TITLE="{Node Generation for Meshless Methods by Monte Carlo Simulation}", BOOKTITLE={8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics}, SERIES={USNCCM-05}, NUMBER={43.3.3}, YEAR=2005, ADDRESS={Austin, TX}, URL
@phdthesis{ZhWVU05, AUTHOR={Hanzhou Zhang}, TITLE={Mesh Generation for Voxel-Based Objects}, SCHOOL={West Virginia University}, NOTE={Scientific advisor: A.Smirnov}, YEAR=2005, PAGES=122
AUTHOR={Zhang, H. and Smirnov, A. V.}, TITLE="{Node placement for triangular mesh generation by Monte Carlo simulation}", JOURNAL={\bf International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering}, YEAR=2005, NUMBER=7, VOLUME=64, PAGES={973-989}, PUBLISHER={John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}, URL
Concerence Paper. AUTHOR={Zhang, H. and Smirnov, A.V.}, TITLE={Surface Mesh Generation for Voxel-Based Objects by Energy Minimization}, BOOKTITLE={International Conference on Imaging Science Systems and Technology: Computer Graphics}, EDITOR={H.R.Arabnia}, YEAR=2005, DATE={June 27-30}, PUBLISher={CSREA Press}, ADDRESs={LasVegas, Nevada}, PAGES={55-61}, FILE={/home/andrei/projects/ring/tex/CISST.05}, URL
AUTHOR={Hanzhou Zhang and Andrei V. Smirnov}, TITLE="{Node Distribution for Numerical Methods with Monte Carlo Simulation}", BOOKTITLE={IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2005)}, SERIES={MS-05}, NUMBER={459-037}, PAGES={363-368}, YEAR=2005, ADDRESS={Cancun, Mexico}, URL
AUTHOR = {Andrei V. Smirnov and Hanzhou Zhang}, TITLE = {Surface Mesh Generation on Voxel-Based Objects}, BOOKTITLE ={13th International Meshing Roundtable}, ADDRESS={Williamsburg, Virginia USA}, DATE={SEptember 19-22}, PAGES={291-298}, YEAR =2004, URL
AUTHOR={Smirnov, A.V.}, TITLE={Tool assisted mesh generation based on a tissue-growth model}, JOURNAL={\bf Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing}, VOLUME=41, NUMBER=4, YEAR=2003, PAGES={494-497}