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RING: Remote Interface to Network Gateways

RING is graphical user interface to complex simulation systems running on distributed memory computer platforms, such as Beowulf clusters. It is designed to work together with engineering and scientific applications in the area of discrete and continuum dynamics, and other fields of physical modeling. It does not implement any particular solution method in itself, but rather provides tools that simplify the setup and control of a simulation in a parallel computing environment. These operations include: domain decomposition, execution control/monitoring, and data sampling. Along with simplification of the domain decomposition process the tools provided by the package enable to hide the intricacies of running an application on a Beowulf cluster, such as remote logins, batch job executions, Unix commands etc. In addition to this it provides functions for monitoring and control of the state of the simulation, as well as data sampling from distributed cluster nodes. All the functions are accessible through a graphical user interface, that can be executed by a user on a client workstation remotely connected to the a Beowulf cluster.


Voxel Sculpting

Multi-Physics Simulation System.

RING is used as a part of a multi-physics simulation system of discrete and continuum dynamics (MulPhys).

Fuel Cell Modeling

Planar cross-flow fuel cell

Click here for interactive 3D graphics (you'll need a Java plugin to view it).


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